One year! A whole year! I am so amazed at how much has happened for us both. We are such a little unit (+ the dogs) and our little bond is now a big bubble. AnnaLeisa amazes me in her joy and her natural tendency to be happy. From a frightened little girl she has emerged as a very assertive (two year old) who has a sense of humour and also a heart which naturally leans to compassion. I cherish our times cuddling and navigating the world.
I continue to be humbled by my role in her life and the patterning and blueprinting I establish on an organic level. The last year has been one of immense insight and I thank everyone who has helped us along the way! From gifts we play with, wear, or dance to; to time spent making memories, to feedback that has helped us grow - we have only benefited.
Work is going well, AnnaLeisa grabs every moment at daycare and we come home early to be together during the afternoon.
We finish our final report with our Social Worker tomorrow and with that memo a note of gratitude will go to China. It is only deep gratitude that I know when I drop into my chest and ponder my life and how it has changed and been enriched by my girl AnnaLeisa. To the deepest part of myself and to China - Thank you.