Friday, November 21, 2008


As a prelude one needs to know that Annaleisa loves loves loves tatooing her body. It can be with marker, stickers, paint or actual tatoos that wash off. In any event her favorite passtime is to color her body, or yours. The other day AnnaLeisa and I were going to daycare and work... it was after a long hiatus without seeing the moon. It was dark out and she saw the moon in the early dark hours of the day. She stood in the backyard with her arms outstretched and proclaimed loudly "moon! moon! I missed you so much, I am soo happy to see you, come on down and I will give you a big tatoo".....

made my day.

1 comment:

Beth said...

That's so cute. Ava is, at the moment totally obsessed with "Mr. Moon" She is looking constantly and yelling for him outside at every opportunity. We haven't seen him in a few days and she's quite worried!