A journey to meet my daughter currently residing somewhere in China. A little girl with an unknown past soon to meet her future. It will be a life together.. a song sung and danced by the two of us into forever.
Welcome little one!
Finally signs of spring and the thaw... I really do love the renewal of all that is alive. Naked trees start to dress and the mud smells refreshingly like all that is to come.... I think I endure winters and especially now that it involves so much dressing when AnnaLeisa and I venture out. But here are some images. One is of AnnaLeisa in a New Years hat with her hockey stick and skates indoors. The others are also of Mom when she was here at Christmas. So yes, we do get out, we do have fun and Halleluliah!! - it appears to be ending. Days are longer, daylight savings is here, we are on trikes and as AnnaLeisa says 'no mittens Mommy?"
Chinese New Year was as poignant as always for me! The time spent waiting and now the celebration of our children's heritage and cultures. We had fun playing games at a Chinese party for our Mandarin class and as you can see the gentleman enjoying AnnaLeisa's flying demo! She is also posing with her orphanage friend with the funny faces and I love that they continue to see each other also. Thank you to the local Chinese community for your gracious invitations!